When planning a stay with H10 Hotels, it's essential to understand the flexibility of your booking options. Life can be unpredictable, and changes to travel plans are sometimes unavoidable. H10 Hotels recognizes this and has devised a cancellation policy that aims to be as accommodating as possible while ensuring the smooth operation of their hotels.

What is the cancellation policy for H10 Hotels?

The cancellation policy at H10 Hotels is designed to offer guests flexibility while also maintaining a fair system for the hotel. Cancellations made up to 12:00 noon the day before arrival are free of charge for bookings with free cancellation. However, for non-refundable bookings, the total amount of the stay is charged at confirmation and cannot be refunded.

woman checking in at hotel ...
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What is the refund policy at H10 Hotels?

Refunds at H10 Hotels are conditional based on the rate chosen at the time of booking. For flexible rates, you can cancel without penalty within the specified timeframe. In contrast, non-refundable bookings will not be returned under any circumstances, ensuring guests are clear on the terms before finalizing their reservations.

How can I cancel or change my booking with H10 Hotels?

Cancelling or changing a booking with H10 Hotels is straightforward. You can modify your reservation through the website or by contacting the hotel directly. Keep in mind that changes to non-refundable bookings are subject to restrictions and may not be possible without incurring a charge.

What are the cancellation fees at H10 Hotels?

Cancellation fees at H10 Hotels vary depending on the rate and timing of the cancellation. Free cancellations are available until 12:00 noon the day before arrival, or up to 3 or 7 days before, depending on the booking conditions. Late cancellations typically result in a charge for one night.

Is it possible to cancel a non-refundable reservation at H10 Hotels?

A non-refundable reservation at H10 Hotels is just that – non-refundable. Once booked, these rates offer no possibility for a refund. This is why it's crucial to be certain of your plans when selecting a non-refundable option.

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How can I contact a manager at H10 Hotels?

If you need to speak with a manager at H10 Hotels, you can do so by sending an email to [email protected]. This channel can be used for queries regarding booking changes, cancellations, or any other concerns that may require management attention.

How do I cancel a hotel reservation?

To cancel a hotel reservation with H10 Hotels, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your account on the H10 Hotels website.
  • Navigate to your bookings page.
  • Select the reservation you wish to cancel.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.

Alternatively, you can contact the hotel directly via phone or email for assistance with your cancellation.


H10 Hotels aims to provide a cancellation policy that balances flexibility for guests with the operational needs of the hotel. Whether you choose a rate with free cancellation or a non-refundable option, it's important to be aware of the terms and conditions associated with your booking. Always review the cancellation policy for your specific rate and keep an eye on the timelines to avoid any unwanted charges. With a clear understanding of H10 Hotels' cancellation policy, you can book your next stay with confidence and peace of mind.